Justin Nelson
Teaching Pastor
Justin is the Founding Pastor and is responsible for preaching, counseling, teaching and administration. He has completed 4Disciples Training Program via Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with instructor Dr. Bill Vinson. Justin is a person who loves the arts. He is an artisan glass blower, opera singer, and all around dabbler in various art and craft. He and his wife are avid cruisers.
Justin is married to the love of his life, Wendy. They have one amazing daughter, Hannah.
Brandon Taylor
Evangelism and Discipleship Pastor
Brandon is our Evangelism and Discipleship pastor. Brandon is a native of St. Louis Missouri. In 2006, after graduating from Missouri State University with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, the Lord led Brandon and his wife Lisa to South Creek Church. Several years later, the Lord called Brandon to the ministry. Brandon is responsible for teaching, overseeing the evangelism initiatives and the discipleship focus for the church, along with other tasks that go along with pastoral ministry.
Brandon and his wife, Lisa, have three children: Brali, Lael, and Brandon Jr.
Adam Kyle
Worship Pastor
Adam is our newest elder and is responsible for leading the music ministry here at South Creek Church. Pastor Adam has felt a calling to the ministry since his teenage years. He graduated from Missouri State and has been a member of South Creek Church for 8 years. He was ordained and installed as an elder here in 2023. Pastor Adam and his wife have been blessings to this local body since they started attending. Pastor Adam also shares in the teaching small groups and discipling within the church.
Adam and his wife, Brittany, are parents to their daughter Isla.
Deacon Russ Johnston
Russ is a deacon here at South Creek. He and his family have been members of South Creek for well over a decade. Russ serves faithfully and gracefully this local body of believers.
Treasurer Larry Cooper
Larry is our treasurer. He is one of the original members of this church. Larry has faithfully served as treasurer for 15 years. He is a vital role and places God before him at all times. His passion for evangelism and serving the poor shows as he volunteers with a local food pantry here in Springfield.